Webster's English Dictionary

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syc.a.more \'sik-*-.mo-(*)r, -.mo.(*)r\ n [ME sicamour, fr. MF sicamor, fr. 
   L sycomorus, fr. Gk syko]moros, prob. modif. of a Sem word akin to Heb 
   shiqma-h sycamore 1: a tree (Ficus sycomorus) of Egypt and Asia Minor that 
   is the sycam ore of Scripture, is useful as a shade tree, and has sweet and 
   edible fruit similar but inferior to the common fig 2: a Eurasian maple 
   (Acer pseudo-platanus) with long racemes of showy  yellow flowers that is 
   widely planted as a shade tree 3: PLANE; esp : a very large spreading tree 
   (Platanus occi dentalis) of eastern and central No. America with 3- to 
   5-lobed broadly ovate leaves