Webster's English Dictionary

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1. syl.lab.ic \s*-'lab-ik\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ aj [LL syllabicus, fr. Gk 
   syllabikos, fr. syllabe- syllable] 1: of, relating, to, or denoting 
   syllables {~ accent}  2: constituting a syllable or the nucleus of a 
   syllable :  of a consonant  2a: not accompanied in the same syllable by a 
   vowel {/n/  is ~ in /ba:t*ne-/ botany, nonsyllabic in /ba:tne-/} of a vowel 
    2b: having vowel quality more prominent than that of another vowel in the  
   syllable {the first vowel of a falling diphthong, as /o./ in /o.i/, is ~} 
   3: characterized by distinct enunciation or separation of syllables  4: of, 
   relating to, or constituting a type of verse distinguished primaril y by 
   count of syllables rather than by rhythmical arrangement of accents or 
   quantities - syl.lab.i.cal.ly av
2. syllabic n : a syllabic character or sound