1. thaw \'tho.\ vb [ME thawen, fr. OE thawian; akin to OHG douwen to thaw,
Gk Xte-kein to melt, L tabes wasting disease : to cause to thaw 1a: to go
from a frozen to a liquid state : MELT 1b: to become free of the effect
(as stiffness or numbness) of cold as a r esult of being warmed 2: to be
warm enough to melt ice and snow - used with it of the we ather 3: to
abandon aloofness, reserve, or hostility : UNBEND 4: to become mobile,
active, or susceptible to change
2. thaw n 1: the action, fact, or process of thawing 2: a warmth of
weather sufficient to thaw ice