Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. keep                  
1. re.serve \ri-'z*rv\ vt [ME reserven, fr. MF reserver, fr. L reservare, 
   lit., to keep] back, fr. re- + servare to keep - more at CONSERVE 1a: to 
   keep in store for future or special use  1b1: to retain power of absolution 
   of to oneself - used of a religious s uperior 1b2: to set aside (part of 
   the consecrated elements) at the Eucharist for  future use 1c: to retain or 
   hold over to a future time or place : DEFER  1d: to make legal reservation 
   of  2: to set or have set aside or apart 
2. reserve n often attrib  1: something stored for future use : STOCK  2: 
   something reserved or set aside for a particular purpose, use, or reason  : 
   as 2a1: a military force withheld from action for later decisive use - usu. 
    used in pl. 2a2: forces not in the field but available  2a3: the military 
   forces of a country not part of the regular services;  also : RESERVIST 2b: 
   a tract set apart : RESERVATION  3: an act of reserving : EXCEPTION  4a: 
   restraint, closeness, or caution in one's words and bearing  4b: 
   forbearance from making a full explanation, complete disclosure, or fre e 
   expression of one's mind 5: SECRET  6a: money or its equivalent kept in 
   hand or set apart usu. to meet liabilit ies 6b: the liquid resources of a 
   nation for meeting international payments  7: the capacity of blood or 
   bacteriological media to react with acid or alk ali within predetermined 
   usu. physiological limits of hydrogen-ion concentration 8: SUBSTITUTE