Webster's English Dictionary

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1. plas.tic \'plas-tik\ aj [L plasticus of molding, fr. Gk plastikos, fr. 
   plassein to mo]ld, form 1: FORMATIVE, CREATIVE {~ forces in nature}  2a: 
   capable of being molded or modeled {~ clay}  2b: capable of adapting : 
   PLIABLE {ecologically ~ animals)> 3: characterized by or using modeling {~ 
   arts}  4: SCULPTURAL  5: made or consisting of a plastic  6: capable of 
   being deformed continuously and permanently in any direction  without 
   ruptureTABLE: PLASTIC applies to substances soft enough to be molded yet 
   capable of hardening into the desired fixed form; PLIABLE suggests 
   something easily bent, folded, twisted, or manipulated; PLIANT may stress 
   flexibility and sometimes connote springiness and so lack some of the 
   suggestion of submissiveness found in PLIABLE; DUCTILE applies to what can 
   be drawn out at will and therefore suggests being easily led or influenced; 
   MALLEABLE applies to what may be beaten into shape and may suggest lack of 
   independent will or firm character; ADAPTABLE implies the capability of 
   being easily modified to suit other conditions, needs, or uses SYN syn 
2. plastic n : a plastic substance; specif : any of numerous organic 
   synthetic  or processed materials that are molded, cast, extruded, drawn, 
   or laminated into objects, films, or filaments - often used in pl. with 
   sing. constr.