Webster's English Dictionary

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1. spark \'spa:rk\ n [ME sparke, fr. OE spearca; akin to MD sparke spark, L 
   spa]rgere to scatter, Gk spargan to swell 1a: a small particle of a burning 
   substance thrown out by a body in combust ion or remaining when combustion 
   is nearly completed 1b: a hot glowing particle struck from a larger mass; 
   esp : one hea ted by friction {produce a ~ by striking flint with steel} 
   2a: a luminous disruptive electrical discharge of very short duration betwe 
   en two conductors separated by air or other gas 2b: the discharge in a 
   spark plug  2c: the mechanism controlling the discharge in a spark plug  3: 
   SPARKLE, FLASH  4: something that sets off a sudden force  5: a latent 
   particle capable of growth or developing : GERM  pl but sing in constr  6: 
   a radio operator on a ship 
2. spark vb [ME sparken, fr. sparke] 1a: to throw out sparks  1b: to flash 
   or fall like sparks  2: to produce sparks; specif : to have the electric 
   ignition worki ng 3: to respond with enthusiasm  1: to set off in a burst 
   of activity : ACTIVATE  2: to stir to activity : INCITE  - spark.er n
3. spark \'spa:r-kish\ n [perh. of Scand origin; akin to ON sparkr 
   sprightly] 1: a foppish young man : GALLANT  2: LOVER, BEAU  - spark.ish aj
4. spark vb : WOO, COURT  - spark.er n