Webster's English Dictionary

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1. frank \'frank\ aj [ME, fr. OF franc, fr. ML francus, fr. LL Francus 
   Frank] obs  1: FREE  archaic  2: LIBERAL, GENEROUS  3: marked by free, 
   forthright, and sincere expression {a ~ reply> 4: clinically evident : 
   UNMISTAKABLE {~ pus} ingness to tell what one feels or thinks. FRANK 
   stresses lack of shyness or secretiveness or of evasiveness from 
   considerations of tact or expedience; CANDID suggests expression marked by 
   sincerity and honesty esp. in offering unwelcome criticism or opinion; OPEN 
   implies frankness but suggests more indiscretion than FRANK and less 
   earnestness than CANDID; PLAIN suggests outspokenness, downrightness, and 
   freedom from affectation or subtlety in expression - frank.ness n SYN syn 
   FRANK, CANDID, OPEN, PLAIN mean showing will 
2. frank vt 1a: to mark (a piece of mail) with an official signature or 
   sign indicatin g the right of the sender to free mailing 1b: to mail free  
   1c: to affix to (mail) a stamp or a marking indicating the payment of post 
   age 2: to enable to pass or go freely or easily  - frank.er n
3. frank n 1a: the signature of the sender on a piece of franked mail 
   serving in place  of a postage stamp 1b: a mark or stamp on a piece of mail 
   indicating postage paid  1c: a franked envelope  2: the privilege of 
   sending mail free of charge Frank \'frank\ n [ME, partly fr. OE Franca; 
   partly fr. OF Franc, fr. LL FrancusX, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG Franko 
   Frank, OE Franca : a member of a West Germanic people entering the Roman 
   provinces in A.d.  253, occupying the Netherlands and most of Gaul, and 
   establishing themselves along the Rhine