Webster's English Dictionary

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trout \'trau.t\ n or trout also trouts [ME, fr. OE tru-ht, fr. LL trocta, 
   tructa, a fish with sha] pl rp teeth, fr. Gk tro-kte-s, lit., gnawer, fr. 
   tro-gein to gnaw - more at TERSE 1: any of various fishes (family 
   Salmonidae) mostly smaller than the typica l salmons, restricted to cool 
   clear fresh waters, and highly regarded as table and angling fish : 1a: any 
   of various Old or New World fishes (genus Salmo) some of whic h are 
   anadromous 1b: any of various No. American fishes (genera Salvelinus or 
   Crist ivomer) : CHAR 2: any of various fishes felt to resemble the true 