Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cool \'ku:l\ \'ku:-lish\ \'ku:l-(l)e-\ \'ku:l-n*s\ aj [ME col, fr. OE 
   co-l; akin to OHG kuoli cool, OE ceald)X cold 1: moderately cold : lacking 
   in warmth  2a: marked by steady calmness and self-control  2b: lacking 
   ardor or friendliness  3: not scant or bare  4: UNABASHED, INSOLENT  5a: 
   facilitating or suggesting relief from heat  5b: marked by restrained 
   emotion or excitement {~ jazz}  of a color  5c: producing an impression of 
   coolness; specif : of a hue in the  range violet through blue to green 
   slang  6: EXCELLENT ERTURBABLE, NONCHALANT mean actually or apparently free 
   from agitation or excitement. COOL may imply calmness, deliberateness, or 
   dispassionateness; COMPOSED implies freedom from agitation as a result of 
   self-discipline or a sedate disposition; COLLECTED implies a concentration 
   of mind that eliminates distractions esp. in moments of crisis; UNRUFFLED 
   suggests apparent serenity and poise in the face of setbacks or in the 
   midst of excitement; IMPERTURBABLE implies coolness or assurance even under 
   severe provocation; NONCHALANT stresses outward casualness of manner that 
   may or may not imply genuine unconcern or indifference - cool.ish aj SYN 
2. cool vb 1: to make or become cool  2: MODERATE, CALM 
3. cool n 1: a cool time, place, or situation  2: COOLNESS