Webster's English Dictionary

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trunk \'tr*nk\ n [ME tronke box, trunk, fr. MF tronc, fr. L truncus trunk, 
   tor] often attrib so 1a: the main stem of a tree apart from limbs and roots 
   : BOLE  1b1: the human or animal body apart from the head and appendages : 
   TOR SO 1b2: the thorax of an insect  1c: the central part of anything  2a1: 
   a large rigid piece of luggage used usu. for transporting clothing and  
   personal effects 2a2: the luggage compartment of an automobile  2b1: a 
   superstructure over a ship's hatches usu. level with the poop deck  2b2: 
   the part of the cabin of a boat projecting above the deck  2b3: the housing 
   for a centerboard or rudder  3: PROBOSCIS; esp : the long muscular 
   proboscis of the elepha nt pl  4: men's shorts worn chiefly for sports  5a: 
   a usu. major channel or passage : DUCT  5b: a circuit between two telephone 
   exchanges for making connections betwee n subscribers