Webster's English Dictionary

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in.tel.li.gent \in-'tel-*-j*nt\ \(.)in-.tel-*-'jen-ch*l\ 
   \in-'tel-*-j*nt-le-\ aj [L intelligent-, intelligens, prp. of intelligere, 
   intelle]gere to understand, fr. inter- + legere to gather, select - more at 
   LEGEND 1a: possessing intelligence  1b: guided or directed by intellect : 
   RATIONAL  2a: having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of 
   intelligence and  mental capacity 2b: revealing or reflecting good judgment 
   or sound thought : SKILLFUL ELLIGENT stresses success in coping with new 
   situations and solving problems; CLEVER implies native ability or aptness 
   and sometimes suggests a lack of more substantial qualitites; ALERT 
   stresses quickness in perceiving and understanding; QUICK-WITTED implies 
   promptness in finding answers in debate or in devising expedients in 
   moments of danger or challenge; KNOWING implies the possession of special 
   knowledge; it may often connote sophistication, secretiveness, or cynicism 
   - in.tel.li.gen.tial aj SYN syn CLEVER, ALERT, QUICK-WITTED, KNOWING: INT