Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. dogtooth violet       
vi.o.let \'vi--*-l*t\ n [ME, fr. MF violete, dim. of viole violet, fr. L 
   viola] 1a: any of a genus (Viola of the family Violaceae, the violet 
   family)  of herbs or subshrubs with alternate stipulate leaves and both 
   aerial and cleistogamous flowers; esp : one with smaller usu. solid-colored 
   flowers as distinguished from the usu. larger-flowered violas and pansies 
   1b: any of several plants of other genera  2: any of a group of colors of 
   reddish blue hue, low lightness, and medium  saturation 3: any of numerous 
   small violet-colored butterflies (family Lycaenidae)