Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. intermittent          
1. al.ter.nate \'o.l-t*r-n*t, 'al-\ aj [L alternatus, pp. of alternare, fr. 
   alternus alternate, fr.]alter 1a: occurring or succeeding by turns  1b: 
   RECIPROCATING  2a: arranged first on one side and then on the other at 
   different levels o r points along an axial line 2b: arranged one above or 
   alongside the other  3: every other : every second  4: ALTERNATIVE, 
   SUBSTITUTE  - al.ter.nate.ly av
2. al.ter.nate \-.na-t\ vt 1: to perform by turns or in succession  2: to 
   cause to alternate  : to happen, succeed, or act by turns 
3. al.ter.nate \-n*t\ n 1: ALTERNATIVE  2: one that takes the place of or 
   alternates with another