Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. relinquish            
1. yield \'ye-(*)ld\ vb [ME yielden, fr. OE gieldan; akin to OHG geltan to 
   pay] archaic  1: RECOMPENSE, REWARD  2: to give or render as fitting, 
   rightfully owed, or required  3: to give up possession of upon claim or 
   demand : as  3a: to give up (as one's breath) and so die  3b: to surrender 
   or relinquish to the physical control of another : hand  over possession of 
   3c: to surrender or submit (oneself) to another  3d: to give (oneself) up 
   to an inclination, temptation, or habit  3e: to relinquish one's possession 
   of (as a position of advantage or point  of superiority) {~ precedence} 4a: 
   to bear or bring forth as a natural product esp. as a result of cultiv 
   ation 4b: to furnish as return or result of expended effort  4c1: to 
   produce as return from an expenditure or investment : furnish as  profit or 
   interest 4c2: to produce as revenue : bring in  1: to be fruitful or 
   productive : BEAR, PRODUCE  2: to give up and cease resistance or 
   contention : SUBMIT, SUCC UMB 3: to give way to pressure or influence : 
   submit to urging, persuasion,  or entreaty 4: to give way under physical 
   force so as to bend, stretch, or break  5a: to give place or precedence : 
   acknowledge the superiority of someone  else 5b: to give way to or become 
   succeeded by someone or something else  6: to relinquish the floor of a 
   legislative assembly R: YIELD may apply to any sort of giving way or giving 
   in before force, argument, or entreaty; SUBMIT suggests surrendering after 
   resistance or conflict to the will or control of another; CAPITULATE 
   stresses the act of giving up to a stronger force or power; SUCCUMB 
   suggests a giving way in weakness or helplessness; RELENT applies to a 
   yielding through mercy or pity by one who has the upper hand; DEFER 
   suggests yielding or submitting voluntarily through respect or reference 
2. yield n 1: something yielded : PRODUCT; esp : the amount or quantit y 
   resulting often expressed as the percentage of what is theoretically 
   possible 2: the capacity of yielding produce