Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wid.ow \'wid-(.)o-, 'wid-*(-w)\ n [ME widewe, fr. OE wuduwe; akin to OHG 
   wituwa widow, L vid]ua widow, -videre to separate, Gk e-itheos unmarried 
   youth 1a: a woman who has lost her husband by death; esp : one who has no t 
   remarried 1b: GRASS WIDOW  2: an extra hand or part of a hand of cards 
   dealt face down and usu. placed  at the disposal of the highest bidder 3: a 
   short line ending a paragraph and appearing at the top or bottom of a  
   printed page or column
2. widow vt 1: to cause to become a widow  2: to survive as the widow of  
   3: to deprive of something greatly loved or needed