Webster's English Dictionary

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col.umn \'ka:l-*m\ \k*-'l*m-n*r\ \'ka:l-*md\ n [ME columne, fr. MF colomne, 
   fr. L columna, fr. columen] top; akin to L collis hill - more at HILL 1a: a 
   vertical arrangement of items printed or written on a page  1b: one of two 
   or more vertical sections of a printed page separated by a r ule or blank 
   space 1c: an accumulation arranged vertically : STACK  1d: a special 
   department in a newspaper or periodical  2: a supporting pillar; esp : one 
   consisting of a usu. round shaft,  a capital, and a base 3: something 
   resembling a column in form, position, or function {a ~R of water} 4: a 
   long row (as of soldiers)  - co.lum.nar aj