Webster's English Dictionary

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1. page \'pa-j\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. It paggio] 1a1: a youth being trained 
   for the medieval rank of knight and in the perso nal service of a knight 1a 
   2: a youth attendant on a person of rank  1b: a boy serving as an honorary 
   attendant at a formal function  2: one employed to deliver messages, assist 
   patrons, serve as a guide, or a ttend to other duties
2. page vt 1: to serve in the capacity of a page  2: to summon by 
   repeatedly calling out the name of 
3. page n [MF, fr. L pagina; akin to L pangere to fix, fasten] 1a: one of 
   the leaves of a book, magazine, or similar article  1b: a single side of 
   one of these leaves  2a: a written record  2b: something suitable to a 
   written record  3: a section of a printed or written work {the most 
   exciting ~s)X in the book}
4. page vt : to number or mark the pages of