Webster's English Dictionary

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1. top \'ta:p\ \'ta:pt\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG zopf tip, tuft of hair] 
   1a1: the highest point, level, or part of something : SUMMIT, CR OWN 1a2: 
   the head or top of the head - used esp. in the phrase top to toe)X 1a3: the 
   head of a plant and esp. one with edible roots {beet ~s } 1b1: the highest 
   or uppermost region or part  1b2: the upper end, edge, or surface  2: a 
   fitted, integral, or attached part or unit serving as an upper piece,  lid, 
   or covering 3a: a platform surrounding the head of a lower mast that serves 
   to spread t he topmast rigging, strengthen the mast, and furnish a standing 
   place for men aloft 3b: a comparable part of the superstructure; esp : such 
   a part on a  warship used as a fire-control station or antiaircraft gun 
   platform 4: the highest degree or pitch conceivable or attained : ACME, P 
   INNACLE 5a1: the highest position (as in rank or achievement)  5a2: a 
   person or thing at the top  pl  5b: aces and kings in a hand or the three 
   highest honors in a suit  6: the choicest part : CREAM, PICK  7: a forward 
   spin given to a ball (as in golf, tennis, or billiards) by str iking it on 
   or near the top or above the center; also : the stroke so given - topped aj
2. top vb or topped;  or top.ping 1: to remove or cut the top of : as  1a: 
   to shorten or remove the top of (a plant)  1b: PINCH  1c: to remove the 
   most volatile parts from (as crude petroleum)  2a: to cover with a top or 
   on the top : provide, form, or serve as a top  : CROWN, CAP 2b: to supply 
   with a decorative or protective finish  3a: to be or become higher than : 
   OVERTOP {~s the pr evious record} 3b: to be superior to : EXCEL, SURPASS  
   3c: to gain ascendancy over : DOMINATE  4a: to rise to, reach, or be at the 
   top of  4b: to go over the top of : CLEAR, SURMOUNT  5: to strike (a golf 
   ball) above the center; also : to make (as a  stroke) by hitting the ball 
   in this way : to make an end, finish, or conclusion {a trail topping out on 
   a  mesa -J. F. Dobie}
3. top aj : of, relating to, or at the top : HIGHEST, UPPERMOST 
4. top n [ME, fr. OE] : a commonly cylindrical or conoidal child's toy that 
   has a tapering usu.  steel-shod point on which it is made to spin