Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bot.tom \'ba:t-*m\ n [ME botme, fr. OE botm; akin to OHG bodam bottom, L 
   fundus], Gk pythme-n 1a: the under surface of something : UNDERSIDE  1b: a 
   surface designed to support something resting on it  1c: BUTTOCKS, RUMP  2: 
   the surface on which a body of water lies  3a: the part of a ship's hull 
   lying below the water  3b: BOAT, SHIP  4a: the lowest part or place  4b: 
   the remotest or inmost point  4c: LAST {~ dollar}  4d: the trousers of 
   pajamas - usu. used in pl.  4e: the last half of an inning of baseball  5: 
   low-lying grassland along a watercourse - usu. used in pl.  6: BASIS, 
   SOURCE  7: capacity (as of a horse) to endure strain  8: the main plowing 
   mechanism of a plow  9: a color applied to textile fibers before dyeing  : 
   BASICALLY, REALLY  - at bottom 
2. bottom vt 1: to furnish with a bottom  2: to provide a foundation for  
   3: to bring to the bottom  4: to get to the bottom of  1: to become based  
   2: to reach the bottom  - bot.tom.er n