Webster's English Dictionary

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ab.di.cate \'ab-di-.ka-t\ \.ab-di-'ka--sh*n\ \'ab-di-.ka-t-*r\ vb [L 
   abdicatus, pp. of abdicare, fr. ab- + dicare to proc]laim - more at DICTION 
   : to relinquish (as sovereign power) formally : RENOUNCE  : to renounce a 
   throne, high office, dignity, or function sovereign power or sometimes an 
   evading of responsibility such as that of a parent; RENOUNCE may replace it 
   but often implies additionally a sacrifice for a greater end; RESIGN 
   applies to the giving up of an unexpired office or trust - ab.di.ca.tion n 
   SYN syn RENOUNCE, RESIGN: ABDICATE implies a giving up of