Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. abdicate               2. relinquish            
re.sign \ri-'zi-n\ \-'zi--n*d-le-\ \-'zi--n*d-n*s, -'zi-n(d)-n*s\ 
   \-'zi--n*r\ vb [ME resignen, fr. MF resigner, fr. L resignare, lit., to 
   unse]al, cancel, fr. re- + signare to sign, seal - more at SIGN 1: to give 
   up deliberately; specif : to renounce by a formal act  2: RELEGATE, 
   CONSIGN; esp : to give (oneself) over wit hout resistance 1: to give up 
   one's office or position : QUIT  2: to accept something as inevitable : 
   SUBMIT  - re.sign.ed.ly av