Webster's English Dictionary

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re.lin.quish \ri-'lin-kwish, -'lin-\ \-m*nt\ vt [ME relinquisshen, fr. MF 
   relinquiss-, stem of relinquir, fr.] L relinquere to leave behind, fr. re- 
   + linquere to leave - more at LOAN 1: to withdraw or retreat from : ABANDON 
    2a: to desist from  2b: to assent to withdrawal, dropping, or cessation of 
   : RENOUNCE  3a: to let go of : RELEASE  3b: to give over possession or 
   control of : YIELD NDON, WAIVE mean to give up completely. RELINQUISH usu. 
   does not imply strong feeling but may suggest some regret, reluctance, or 
   weakness; YIELD implies concession or compliance or submission to force; 
   RESIGN emphasizes voluntary relinquishment or sacrifice without struggle; 
   SURRENDER implies a giving up after a struggle to retain or resist; ABANDON 
   stresses finality and completeness in giving up; WAIVE implies conceding or 
   forgoing with little or no compulsion - re.lin.quish.ment n SYN syn