Webster's English Dictionary

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suc.ces.sion \s*k-'sesh-*n\ \-'sesh-n*l, -*n-*l\ \-e-\ n [ME, fr. MF or L; 
   MF, fr. L succession-, successio, fr. successu]s, pp. 1a: the order in 
   which or the conditions under which one person after anoth er succeeds to a 
   property, dignity, title, or throne 1b: the right of a person or line to 
   succeed  1c: the line having such a right  2a: the act or process of 
   following in order : SEQUENCE  2b1: the act or process of one person's 
   taking the place of another in the  enjoyment of or liability for his 
   rights or duties or both 2b2: the act or process of a person's becoming 
   beneficially entitled to a p roperty or property interest of a deceased 
   person 3a: a number of persons or things that follow each other in sequence 
    3b: a group, type, or series that succeeds or displaces another  - 
   suc.ces.sion.al aj