Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ap.pren.tice \*-'prent-*s\ \-*(sh)-.ship, -*s-.ship\ n [ME aprentis, fr. 
   MF, fr. OF, fr. aprendre to learn, fr. L appre] often attrib ndere, 
   apprendendere 1a: one bound by indenture to serve another for a prescribed 
   period with a view to learning an art or trade in consideration of 
   instruction and formerly usu. of maintenance 1b: one who is learning by 
   practical experience under skilled workers a trade, art, or calling 2: an 
   inexperienced person : NOVICE  - ap.pren.tice.ship n
2. apprentice vt : to set at work as an apprentice; esp : to bind to an 
   apprentice ship by contract or indenture