Webster's English Dictionary

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1. as.sent \*-'sent\ vi [ME assenten, fr. OF assenter, fr. L assentari, fr. 
   assent]ire, fr. ad- + sentire to feel : AGREE, CONCUR , SUBSCRIBE mean to 
   concur with what someone else has proposed. ASSENT implies an act involving 
   the understanding or judgment and applies to propositions or opinions; 
   CONSENT involves the will or feelings and indicates compliance with what is 
   requested or desired; ACCEDE implies a yielding, often under pressure, of 
   assent or consent; ACQUIESCE implies tacit acceptance or forbearance of 
   opposition; AGREE usu. implies previous difference of opinion or precedent 
   attempts at persuasion; SUBSCRIBE implies not only consent or assent but 
   hearty approval and active support SYN syn ASSENT, CONSENT, ACCEDE, 
2. assent n : an act of assenting : ACQUIESCENCE, AGREEMENT