Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. assent                
sub.scribe \s*b-'skri-b\ vb [ME subscriben fr. L subscribere, lit., to 
   write beneath, fr. su]b- + scribere to write - more at SCRIBE 1: to write 
   (one's name) underneath : SIGN  2a: to sign with one's own hand in token of 
   consent or obligation by writi ng one's name beneath 2b: to attest by 
   signing  2c: to pledge (a gift or contribution) by writing one's name with 
   the amou nt 3: to assent to : SUPPORT  1: to sign one's name to a letter or 
   other document  2a: to give consent to something written by signing  2b: to 
   set one's name to a paper in token of promise to give something; Xalso : to 
   give something in accordance with such a promise 2c: to place an order by 
   signing {~ to a magazine ~ for stoc k} 3: to feel favorably disposed : 
   APPROVE {anyone would ~ to  your sentiments} - sub.scrib.er n