Webster's English Dictionary

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au.then.tic \*-'thent-ik, o.-\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ \.o.-.then-'tis-*t-e-, -th*n-\ 
   aj [ME autentik, fr. MF autentique, fr. LL authenticus, fr. Gk 
   (Xauthentikos, fr. authente-s perpetrator, master, fr. aut- + -hente-s 
   (akin to Gk anyein to accomplish, Skt sanoti he gains) obs  1: 
   AUTHORITATIVE  2: worthy of acceptance or belief : TRUSTWORTHY  3: not 
   imaginary, false, or imitation : GENUINE n being actually and exactly what 
   the thing in question is said to be. AUTHENTIC implies being fully 
   trustworthy as according with fact or actuality {authentic record} GENUINE 
   implies accordance with an original or a type without counterfeiting, 
   admixture, or adulteration {genuine maple syrup} VERITABLE may stress true 
   existence or actual identity veritable offspring} but more commonly merely 
   stresses the suitability of a metaphor {veritable hail of questions} BONA 
   FIDE applies when sincerity of intention is in question {bona fide sale of 
   securities} - au.then.ti.cal.ly av SYN syn AUTHENTIC, GENUINE, VERITABLE, 
   BONA FIDE mea