Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. ask                   
1. ques.tion \'kwes(h)-ch*n\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L quaestion-, quaestio, fr. 
   quaesitus, qu]aestus, pp. of quaerere to seek, ask 1a1: an interrogative 
   expression often used to test knowledge  1a2: an interrogative sentence or 
   clause  1b: a subject or aspect in dispute or open for discussion : ISSUE;  
   broadly : PROBLEM, MATTER 1c1: a subject or point of debate or a 
   proposition to be voted on in a meet ing 1c2: the bringing of such to a 
   vote  1d: the specific point at issue  2a: an act or instance of asking : 
   INQUIRY  2b: INTERROGATION; also : a judicial or official investigatio n 
   2c: torture as part of an examination  2d1: OBJECTION, DISPUTE  2d2: room 
   for doubt or objection  2d3: CHANCE, POSSIBILITY {no ~ of escape} 
2. question vt 1: to ask a question of or about  2: CROSS-EXAMINE  3a: 
   DOUBT, DISPUTE  3b: to subject to analysis : EXAMINE  : to ask questions : 
   INQUIRE  - ques.tion.er n