Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. throw                 
1. fling \'flin\ \'fl*n\ vb or flung;  or fling.ing [ME flingen, of Scand 
   origin; akin to ON flengja to whip, fla]- to flay - more at FLAY 1: to move 
   in a brusque or headlong manner  2: to kick or plunge vigorously  Scot  3: 
   CAPER  1a: to throw with force or recklessness  1b: to cast aside : DISCARD 
    2: to place or send suddenly and unceremoniously  3: SPREAD, DIFFUSE  4: 
   to give unrestrainedly  - fling.er n
2. fling n 1: an act or instance of flinging  2: a casual try : ATTEMPT  3: 
   a period devoted to self-indulgence; esp : AFFAIR