Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cab.i.net \'kab-(*-)n*t\ n [MF, small room, dim. of ONF cabine gambling 
   house] 1a: a case or cupboard usu. having doors and shelves  1b: a 
   collection of mineralogical specimens  1c: an upright case housing a radio 
   or television receiver : CONSOLEM 1d: a chamber having temperature and 
   humidity controls and used esp. for in cubating biological samples archaic  
   2a: a small room providing seclusion  2b: a small exhibition room in a 
   museum  archaic  3a1: the private room serving as council chamber of the 
   chief councillors o r ministers of a sovereign 3a2: the consultations and 
   actions of these councillors  often cap  3b1: a body of advisors of a 
   sovereign or other head of a state  3b2: a similar advisory council of a 
   governor of a state or a mayor  Brit  3c: a meeting of a cabinet 
2. cabinet aj 1: suitable by reason of size for a small room or by reason 
   of attractiven ess or perfection for preservation and display in a cabinet 
   2: belonging to a governmental cabinet  3a: used or adapted for 
   cabinetmaking  3b: done or used by a cabinetmaker