Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tract \'trakt\ n [ME tracte, fr. ML tractus, fr. L, action of drawing, 
   extension; fr] often cap . its being sung without a break by one voice : 
   verses of Scripture sung or recited in the Mass on penitential days from  
   Septuagesima to Holy Saturday, on ember days, and at requiems
2. tract n [ME, modif. of L tractatus treatise] : a pamphlet or leaflet of 
   political or religious propaganda 
3. tract n [L tractus action of drawing, extension, fr. tractus, pp. of 
   tra]here to pull, draw - more at DRAW archaic  1: extent or lapse of time  
   2: an area either large or small : as  2a: an indefinite stretch of land  
   2b: a defined area of land  3: a system of body parts or organs that 
   collectively serve some special pu rpose {the digestive ~}