Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bare \'ba(*)r, 'be(*)r\ aj [ME, fr. OE br; akin to OHG bar naked, 
   Lith basas ba]refoot 1a: lacking its natural, usual, or appropriate 
   covering  1b1: lacking clothing  obs  1b2: BAREHEADED  1c: UNARMED  2: open 
   to view : EXPOSED  3a: unfurnished or scantily supplied  3b: DESTITUTE {~ 
   of all safeguards}  4a: having nothing left over or added : MERE  4b: 
   devoid of amplification or adornment  obs  5: WORTHLESS eprived of 
   naturally or conventionally appropriate covering. BARE implies the removal 
   of what is additional, superfluous, ornamental, or dispensable; NAKED 
   suggests absence of protective or ornamental covering but may imply a state 
   of nature, of destitution, of defenselessness, of simple beauty; NUDE 
   applies to the unclothed human figure and commonly lacks special 
   connotation; BALD implies actual or seeming absence of natural covering and 
   may suggest a conspicuous bareness; BARREN implies an absence of natural 
   covering esp. of trees and may suggest aridity or impoverishment or 
   sterility - bare.ly av SYN syn BARE, NAKED, NUDE, BALD, BARREN mean d 
2. bare vt : to make or lay bare : UNCOVER, REVEAL 
3. bare  archaic past of BEAR