Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fetish                 2. attract               
1. charm \'cha:rm\ n [ME charme, fr. OF, fr. L carmen song, fr. canere to 
   sing -] more at CHANT 1a: the chanting or reciting of a magic spell : 
   INCANTATION  1b: an act or expression believed to have magic power  2: 
   something worn about the person to ward off evil or ensure good fortune  : 
   AMULET 3a: a trait that fascinates, allures, or delights  3b: a physical 
   grace or attraction  4: a small ornament worn on a bracelet or chain 
2. charm vt 1: to affect by or as if by magic : COMPEL; also : DELI GHT 2: 
   to endow with supernatural powers by means of charms; also : to  protect by 
   spells, charms, or supernatural influences 3: to control (an animal) 
   typically by charms  1: to practice magic and enchantment  2: to have the 
   effect of a charm : FASCINATE