Webster's English Dictionary

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1. blan.ket \'blan-k*t\ n [ME, fr. OF blankete, fr. blanc] 1a: a large usu. 
   oblong piece of woven fabric used as a bed covering  1b: a similar piece of 
   fabric used as a body covering  2: something that resembles a blanket; esp 
   : a covering layer 
2. blanket vt 1: to cover with a blanket :  1a: to cover so as to obscure, 
   interrupt, suppress, or extinguish  1b: to apply or cause to apply to 
   uniformly despite wide separation or div ersity among the elements included 
   archaic  2: to toss in a blanket 
3. blanket aj 1: covering a group or class  2: applicable in all instances