Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. throw                 
1. toss \'to.s, ta:s\ vb [prob. of Scand origin; akin to Sw dial. tossa to 
   spread, scatter] 1a: to fling or heave continuously about, to and fro, or 
   up and down {a  ship ~ed by waves} 1b: BANDY  1c: to mix lightly until well 
   coated with a dressing {~ a salad}  2: to make uneasy : stir up : DISTURB  
   3a: to throw with a quick, light, or careless motion or with a sudden jerk  
   {~ a ball around} 3b: to throw up in the air {~ed by a bull}  3c: MATCH  
   4a: to fling or lift with a sudden motion {~es her head angr ily} 4b: to 
   tilt suddenly so as to empty by drinking {~ed his gla ss} 5: to accomplish, 
   provide, or dispose of readily or easily {~ off  a few verses} 1a: to move 
   restlessly or turbulently; esp : to twist and turn rep eatedly {~ed 
   sleeplessly all night} 1b: to move with a quick or spirited gesture : 
   FLOUNCE  2: to decide an issue by flipping a coin  - toss.er n
2. toss n 1: the state or fact of being tossed  2: an act or instance of 
   tossing : as  2a: an abrupt tilting or upward fling  2b: a deciding by 
   chance and esp. by flipping a coin  2c: THROW, PITCH