Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bounce \'bau.n(t)s\ vb [ME bounsen] obs  1: BEAT, BUMP  2: to cause to 
   rebound {~ a ball}  3a: DISMISS, FIRE  3b: to expel precipitately from a 
   place  1: to strike and rebound  2: to recover from a blow or a defeat 
   quickly - usu. used with backX 3: to be returned by a bank as no good {his 
   checks ~}  4a: to leap suddenly : BOUND  4b: to walk with springing steps 
2. bounce n 1a: a sudden leap or bound  1b: REBOUND  2: BLUSTER  3: 
   LIVELINESS, VERVE  slang  4: a peremptory dismissal