1. ball \'bo.l\ n [ME bal, fr. ON bo:llr; akin to OE bealluc testis, OHG
ba]lla ball, OE bula bull 1: a round or roundish body or mass : as 1a: a
spherical or ovoid body used in a game or sport 1b: EARTH, GLOBE 1c: a
spherical or conical projectile; also : projectiles used in f irearms 1d: a
roundish protuberant anatomic structure; esp : the rounded em inence at the
base of the thumb or great toe 2: a game in which a ball is thrown, kicked,
or struck; esp : BA SEBALL 3a: the delivery of the ball {curve ~} 3b: a
pitched baseball not struck at by the batter that fails to pass throu gh
the strike zone
2. ball vb : to form or gather into a ball - n
3. ball n [F bal, fr. OF, fr. baller to dance, fr. LL ballare, fr. Gk
(Xballizein; akin to Skt balbali-ti he whirls 1: a large formal gathering
for social dancing 2: a good time : PICNIC