Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. summit                
1. peak \'pe-k\ vi [origin unknown] 1: to grow thin or sickly  2: to 
   dwindle away 
2. peak n [perh. alter. of pike] 1: a pointed or projecting part of a 
   garment; esp : a projecting br im of a cap 2: PROMONTORY  3: a sharp or 
   pointed end  4a1: the top of a hill or mountain ending in a point  4a2: a 
   whole hill or mountain esp. when isolated  4b: something resembling a 
   mountain peak  5a: the upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail  5b: 
   the narrow part of a ship's bow or stern or the part of the hold in it  6a: 
   the highest level or greatest degree  6b: a high point in a course of 
   development esp. as represented on a graph  7: a point formed by the hair 
   on the forehead 
3. peak vi : to reach a maximum to cause to come to a peak point, or 
4. peak aj : being at or reaching the maximum 
5. peak vt [fr. apeak (held vertically)] 1: to set (as a gaff) nearer the 
   perpendicular  2: to hold (oars) with blades well raised