Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ca.ress \k*-'res\ \-'res-iv\ n [F caresse, fr. It carezza, fr. caro 
   dear, fr. L carus]- more at CHARITY 1: an act or expression of kindness or 
   affection : ENDEARMENT  2a: a light stroking, rubbing, or patting  2b: KISS 
    - ca.res.sive aj
2. caress vt 1: to treat with tokens of fondness, affection, or kindness : 
   CHERISH  2: to touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner ng 
   affection by light stroking or patting; FONDLE suggests handling or 
   caressing in a doting manner; PET applies to caressing or fondling children 
   or animals but may suggest an indulging or pampering; CUDDLE suggests 
   closely but gently embracing so as to soothe or comfort - ca.ress.er n SYN 
   syn FONDLE, PET, CUDDLE: CARESS implies expressi