1. stroke \'stro-k\ vt [ME stroken, fr. OE stra-cian; akin to OHG stri-hhan
to] stroke - more at STRIKE : to rub gently in one direction; also CARESS
- n
2. stroke n [1stroke] 1: the act of striking; esp : a blow with a weapon or
implement 2: a single unbroken movement; esp : one of a series of repeated
or to-and-fro movements 3: a striking of the ball in a game (as tennis);
specif : a strikin g or attempt to strike the ball that constitutes the
scoring unit in golf 4: a sudden action or process producing an impact {~
of lightning> or unexpected result {~ of luck} 5: APOPLEXY 6a: one of a
series of propelling beats or movements against a resisting me dium 6b: an
oarsman who sets the tempo for a crew 7a: a vigorous or energetic effort
7b: a delicate or clever touch in a narrative, description, or construction
8: HEARTBEAT 9: the movement or the distance of the movement in either
direction of a me chanical part (as a piston rod) having reciprocating
motion 10: the sound of a bell being struck 11: an act of stroking or
caressing 12a: a mark or dash made by a single movement of an implement
12b: one of the lines of a letter of the alphabet
3. stroke vt 1a: to mark with a short line {~ the t's} 1b: to cancel by
drawing a line through {stroked out his name} 2: to set the stroke for (a
rowing crew); also : to set the stroke for the crew of (a rowing boat) 3:
HIT; esp : to propel (a ball) with a controlled swinging blow