Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. caress                
1. pet \'pet\ n [perh. back-formation fr. ME pety small - more at PETTY] 1: 
   a domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility  2a: a pampered 
   and usu. spoiled child  2b: a person who is treated with unusual kindness 
   or consideration : D ARLING
2. pet aj 1: kept or treated as a pet  2: expressing fondness or endearment 
    3: FAVORITE 
3. pet vb or pet.ted;  or pet.ting 1a: to treat as a pet  1b: to stroke in 
   a gentle or loving manner  2: to treat with unusual kindness and 
   consideration : PAMPER  : to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and 
   kissing  - pet.ter n
4. pet n [origin unknown] : a fit of peevishness, sulkiness, or anger 
5. pet vi : to take offense : SULK