Webster's English Dictionary

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li.on \'li--*n\ \'li--*-n*s\ \'li--*n-.li-k\ n or lions or lion [ME, fr. 
   OF, fr. L leon-, leo, fr. Gk leo-n] pl  pl  1a: a large carnivorous chiefly 
   nocturnal cat (felis leo) of open  or rocky areas of Africa and esp. 
   formerly southern Asia that has a tawny body with a tufted tail and a 
   shaggy blackish or dark brown mane in the male 1b: any of several large 
   wildcats; esp : COUGAR  2a: a person felt to resemble a lion (as in courage 
   or ferocity)  2b: a person of outstanding interest or importance  cap  3: a 
   member of one of the major service clubs  - li.on.ess n