Webster's English Dictionary

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ti.ger \'ti--g*r\ n or tigers or tiger [ME tigre, fr. OE tiger & OF tigre 
   both fr. L tigris, f] pl r. Gk, of Iranian origin; akin to Av tighra- 
   pointed; akin to Gk stizein to tattoo - more at STICK pl  1a: a large 
   Asiatic carnivorous mammal (Felis tigris) of the cat fami ly having a tawny 
   coat transversely striped with black 1b: any of several large wildcats (as 
   the jaguar or cougar)  1c: a domestic cat with striped pattern  Austral  
   1d: TASMANIAN WOLF  1e: any of several strong vigorous aggressive fishes  
   2a: a representation of a tiger as the emblem of an organization  often cap 
    2b: any of several organizations having a tiger as emblem  3: a fierce and 
   bloodthirsty person or quality {aroused the ~ in hi m} Brit  4: a groom in 
   livery; esp : a young or small groom  5: a yell often of the word tiger 
   that ends a round of cheering