Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. keep                  
cel.e.brate \'sel-*-.bra-t\ \.sel-*-'bra--sh*n\ \'sel-*-.bra-t-*r\ vb [L 
   celebratus, pp. of celebrare to frequent, celebrate, fr. cele]br-, celeber 
   much frequented, famous; akin to L celer 1: to perform (a sacrament or 
   solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropria te rites {~ the mass} 2a: to 
   honor (as a holy day or feast day) by solemn ceremonies or by refra ining 
   from ordinary business 2b: to demonstrate satisfaction in by festivities or 
   other deviation from  routine 3: to hold up for public acclaim : EXTOL  1: 
   to observe a holiday, perform a religious ceremony, or take part in a f 
   estival 2: to observe a notable occasion with festivities  - cel.e.bra.tion 