Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. keep                  
ob.serve \*b-'z*rv\ \-'z*r-vin-le-\ vb [ME observen, fr. MF observer, fr. L 
   observare to guard, watc]h, observe, fr. ob- in the way, toward + servare 
   to keep - more at CONSERVE 1: to conform one's action or practice to {~ 
   rules}  2: to inspect or take note of as an augury, omen, or presage  3: to 
   celebrate or solemnize (as a ceremony or festival) after a customary  or 
   accepted form 4: to see or sense esp. through directed careful analytic 
   attention  5: to come to realize or know esp. through consideration of 
   noted facts  6: to utter as a remark  7: to make a scientific observation 
   on or of  1a: to take notice  1b: to make observations : WATCH  2: REMARK, 
   COMMENT  - ob.serv.ing.ly av