Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. cause                 
1. oc.ca.sion \*-'ka--zh*n\ n [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L occasion-, 
   occasio, fr. occasus,]pp. of occidere to fall, fall down, fr. ob- toward + 
   cadere to fall - more at OB-, CHANCE 1: a favorable opportunity or 
   circumstance  2: a state of affairs that provides a ground or reason  3: an 
   occurrence or condition that brings something about; esp : th e immediate 
   inciting circumstance as distinguished from fundamental cause 4a: 
   HAPPENING, INCIDENT  4b: a time at which something happens  5a: a need 
   arising from a particular circumstance : EXIGENCY  archaic  5b: a personal 
   want or need - usu. used in pl.  pl  6: AFFAIRS, BUSINESS  7: a special 
   event or ceremony : CELEBRATION 
2. occasion \-'ka-zh-(*-)nin\ vt or oc.ca.sion.ing : to give occasion to :