Webster's English Dictionary

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1. chair \'che(*)r, 'cha(*)r\ n [ME chaiere, fr. OF, fr. L cathedra, fr. Gk 
   kathedra, fr. ]kata- cata- + hedra seat - more at SIT 1a: a seat with four 
   legs and a back for one person  1b: ELECTRIC CHAIR  2a: an official seat or 
   a seat of authority, state, or dignity  2b: an office or position of 
   authority or dignity  2c: CHAIRMAN  3: a sedan chair  4: any of various 
   devices that hold up or support 
2. chair vt 1a: to place in a chair  1b: to install in office  chiefly Brit 
    2: to carry shoulder-high in acclaim  3: to preside as chairman of