Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shoulder \'sho-l-d*r\ n [ME sholder, fr. OE sculdor; akin to OHG scultra 
   shoulder, OE] often attrib  sciell shell - more at SHELL 1a: the laterally 
   projecting part of the human body formed of the bones and  joints by which 
   the arm is connected with the trunk and the muscles covering them 1b: the 
   corresponding but usu. less projecting region of the body of a lowe r 
   vertebrate 2a: the two shoulders and the upper part of the back - usu. used 
   in pl.  pl  2b: capacity for bearing a task or blame  3: a cut of meat 
   including the upper joint of the foreleg and adjacent part s 4: the part of 
   a garment at the wearer's shoulder  5: something resembling a human 
   shoulder : as  5a1: the part of a hill or mountain near the top  5a2: a 
   lateral protrusion or extension of a hill or mountain  5b: the flat top of 
   the body of a piece of printing type from which the bev el rises to join 
   the face 5c: either edge of a roadway; specif : the part of a roadway 
   outsid e of the traveled way
2. shoulder \-d(*-)rin\ vb or shoul.der.ing 1: to push or thrust with the 
   shoulder : JOSTLE  2a: to place or bear on the shoulder  2b: to assume the 
   burden or responsibility of  : to push with the shoulders aggressively