Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. hire                  
1. char.ter \'cha:rt-*r\ n [ME chartre, fr. OF, fr. ML chartula, fr. L, dim 
   of charta] 1: a written instrument or contract (as a deed) executed in due 
   form  2a: a grant or guarantee of rights, franchises, or privileges from 
   the sove reign power of a state or country 2b: CONSTITUTION  3: an 
   instrument in writing from the authorities of a society creating a lo dge 
   or branch 4: a special privilege, immunity, or exemption  5: a mercantile 
   lease of a ship or some principal part of it 
2. charter \-*r-*r\ vt 1a: to establish, enable, or convey by charter  Brit 
    1b: CERTIFY {~ed mechanical engineer}  1: to hire, rent, or lease for 
   temporary use  - char.ter.er n