Webster's English Dictionary

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1. chime \'chi-m\ n [ME, cymbal, fr. OF chimbe, fr. L cymbalum cymbal] 1: 
   an apparatus for chiming a bell or set of bells  3a: the sound of a set of 
   bells - usu. used in pl.  3b: a musical sound suggesting that of bells  4: 
2. chime vi 1a: to make a musical esp. harmonious sound  1b: to make the 
   sounds of a chime  2: to be or act in accord  1: to cause to sound 
   musically by striking  2: to produce by chiming  3: to call or indicate by 
   chiming {clock chiming midnight}  4: to utter repetitively : DIN  - chim.er 
3. chime or chine \'chi-m\ \'chi-n\ n [ME chimbe, fr. OE cimb-; akin to OE 
   camb comb] : the edge or rim of a cask